The Heterodox Academy is a nonpartisan, nonprofit membership organization of thousands of faculty, staff, and students advocating for policy and culture changes that ensure our universities are truth-seeking, knowledge-generating institutions grounded in

open inquiry

viewpoint diversity

constructive disagreement

What HxA is NOT

Not an advocacy group for a specific ideology or political movement.
Not a political organization or a group endorsing partisan causes or candidates
Not focused on silencing or censoring those with whom one disagrees
Not about creating echo chambers or safe spaces where difficult ideas are avoided
The campus co-chairs help to lead efforts to bring HxA’s principles into practice through facilitating discussions, workshops, events, and collaborative projects. With financial and advisory support from the Heterodoxy Academy, we address the unique challenges of our institution, working to influence policies and practices that support intellectual pluralism. Through our collective efforts, we aim to inspire positive change, showcase the value of diverse perspectives, and build a campus culture where open dialogue thrives.
Taylor E. Dark III
Political Science
Joey Torres
Political Science

Campus Co-Chairs